
Abide in Love ~ Abound in Thanksgiving ~ Work in Joy...
Live Fully ~ Suffer Rightly ~ Trust Deeply ~ Bless Truly!


"Show me your ways, O Lord, teach me your paths,
guide me in your truth and teach me,
for you are God my Savior, and my hope is in you all day long."
~ Psalms 25:4,5

Sub Sub Title


Monday, February 20, 2012

First lesson in Spiritual Warfare

... Continued from Blessing for Blessing.

So yesterday, (see link above) was a special day.  A day of obedience, a day of peace, a day of blessing.

This morning started off fine, I was getting ready in my room, the kids playing on the bed and it started - the whining...(see link above)

So I took this opportunity to teach DS4 his first official lesson in spiritual warfare.

Hey, Buddy!  Do you know who the snake in The Garden was?

uhhhh...shake of head...Satan?

That's right.  And what did Satan want Adam and Eve to do?

Eat the fruit.

Yes.  Was that obedient or disobedient?


Right.  And is Satan on God's team or is he God's enemy?

God's enemy.

Right.  Now are you on God's team or God's enemy?

God's team!

So, do you think that Satan wants you to obey or disobey God?


That's right.  Did you have a really obedient day yesterday?


And were you blessed for being a blessing?


Do you think it made Satan happy that you obeyed God so well?


So, Satan is probably going to really try to tempt you to disobey today.  So, you are going to have to fight against that temptation and really rely on Jesus to help you to obey.

OK, I'm going to fight him and knock his head off!  (LOL, we're still dealing with a four year old here!)

1 comment:

  1. LMBO I was so into the whole post and was so proud of DS4 and then I just cracked up because DS4 thinks he is the biggest baddest thing sometimes I love it. He has a little spunk in him.
