The four and a half year old voice echos the 36 year old voice, "You have to let him take risks," which echos the almost 50 year old neuro-psychologist's as his 14 year old son shows off his explosive chemistry projects. "You have to let them take good risks [like parent supervised chemistry explosions] or they'll choose to take bad ones."
And all this after DS4 stands on the chair and jumps up and over the arm of the chair to the wooden floor below.
And his words ring back to me right after he's practicing balancing on a football and as I say, "Uh..." right before he steps up to balance on the empty foot talk oats cylinder and right as I shut my mouth and then say, "OK, go ahead." And the cylinder buckles under him and he stumbles, but he doesn't fall and he's proud of his risk and his mama realizes that was a "good risk" - a risk with only the possibility of maybe a bruised shin and a bruised ego that leads to humility and better judgment?
And all this from cautious first born who still gets stiff in the swimming pool, his mama's second home. This cautious first born who took the training wheels off at 51 months of age and 2 weeks later was ready for a motorcycle. This cautious first born who is blooming into a risk-taker?
And his cautious first born mama? Have I bloomed yet into a risk-taker? Have I open-handedly, open-armedly, open-heartedly trusted the One in control? Have I been a risk-taking Pray-er, a risk-taking Hoper, a risk-taking faith-filled Truster, Share-er? Have I taken the risk of breaking my alabaster jar of all I'm worth to express my love and gratitude for my Christ-bought forgiveness? Or have I stayed in my comfortable box in which I have pseudo control...what has that gained me, really? Hmmm...the freedom of risk-taking in God's control...what risks does God want me to take for His glory? What will that be like?
Abide in Love ~ Abound in Thanksgiving ~ Work in Joy...
Live Fully ~ Suffer Rightly ~ Trust Deeply ~ Bless Truly!
"Show me your ways, O Lord, teach me your paths,
guide me in your truth and teach me,
for you are God my Savior, and my hope is in you all day long."
~ Psalms 25:4,5
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Sunday, July 8, 2012
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