
Abide in Love ~ Abound in Thanksgiving ~ Work in Joy...
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"Show me your ways, O Lord, teach me your paths,
guide me in your truth and teach me,
for you are God my Savior, and my hope is in you all day long."
~ Psalms 25:4,5

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Sunday, September 1, 2024

Isaiah 1:21-31 - IMPACT

IMPACT - Isaiah 1:21-31

(Inform, Transform, Proclaim)

To Listen to the Post, Click HERE (8:44)

To Print Isaiah 1:21-31 IMPACT Study Guide, Click Here

To Print Isaiah 1- SUMMARY & PERSONAL Take-Away Study Guide, Click Here

Isaiah 1:21-31 - 21 How the faithful city has become a whore, she who was full of justice! Righteousness lodged in her, but now murderers. 22 Your silver has become dross,    your best wine mixed with water. 23 Your princes are rebels and companions of thieves. Everyone loves a bribe and runs after gifts. They do not bring justice to the fatherless, and the widow's cause does not come to them. 24 Therefore the Lord declares, the Lord of hosts, the Mighty One of Israel: “Ah, I will get relief from my enemies and avenge myself on my foes. 25 I will turn my hand against you and will smelt away your dross as with lye and remove all your alloy. 26 And I will restore your judges as at the first, and your counselors as at the beginning. Afterward you shall be called the city of righteousness, the faithful city.” 27 Zion shall be redeemed by justice,

and those in her who repent, by righteousness. 28 But rebels and sinners shall be broken together, and those who forsake the Lord shall be consumed. 29 For they shall be ashamed of the oaks that you desired; and you shall blush for the gardens that you have chosen. 30 For you shall be like an oak whose leaf withers, and like a garden without water. 31 And the strong shall become tinder, and his work a spark, and both of them shall burn together, with none to quench them.

  • How does this IMPACT you by INFORMING your understanding of and trust in God’s character? 

Take a moment to ponder for yourself & record your thoughts:

  • V. 21, 26, 27 - highlight God’s value for righteousness

  • V. 21, 26 - highlight God’s value for faithfulness, He is worthy of faithfulness

  • V. 21, 23 - highlight God’s value for justice - He is holy and righteous

  • V. 24 - He declares himself as the LORD of hosts and the Mighty One of Israel

  • V. 24 - He also declares that He will avenge Himself on His foes

  • V. 26 & 27 - He will restore & redeem - He is a Restorer and Redeemer

  • All these characteristics have a sense of care for His people - He wants what is good and right for them.  In His power and might, He will redeem and restore His broken people to righteousness, faithfulness, and justice.  And it is part of His holiness and justice that will avenge Himself on His foes (the ones who have rebelled and forsaken Him - this is a right and good response to rebellious criminals/enemies).  This is a good God to trust in - one who cares, one who has power, and one who will make all things right…and there is only One God like that!  

  • A good mantra in delights and difficulties: Thank you God that you are Mighty (you have the power to do what needs to be done), you Care (you have the personal love and compassion to meet me in my need), and you will make all things right (whether in the now or in eternity, I can have Hope in Your purpose and plan, for my good and your glory - enemies destroyed, righteous redeemed - the truth for your people in Isaiah 1 is the truth for me in the 21st century.     

  • How does this IMPACT you by TRANSFORMING the way you think, speak, or act? 

Take a moment to ponder for yourself & record your thoughts:

The Christian life has a variety of paradoxes: “already, but not yet,” “grace and truth,” “the least shall be the greatest.”  Over the years, I have begun to ask God for a “humble confidence,” which seems like another paradox.  But as those adopted into God’s family through Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection, “humble confidence,” seems to be an accurate attitude.  Humility knowing that on my own I would be a selfish sinner living in rebellion and that anything good of me has been a gracious gift of God that I don’t deserve (cf. Rom. 3:23, 1 Cor. 1:26-31; James 1:17).  And confidence because being “In Christ” I have been entrusted with righteousness, strength, and purpose, among a host of other gifts.  (cf. Col. 1:21-22, 2:9,10).  I am called to walk both in this confidence and in this humility.  

I see this passage echoing these two truths.  LORD, please, transform me in remembering the reality that I had become unfaithful, I have the propensity to act the opposite of my calling, and I deserve the destruction described in this passage.  And yet!  Because of my trust in Christ’s righteousness bestowed to me, I can repent, be restored, and live as a redeemed, faithful daughter.  I want to be humbly mindful of where I have come from, have compassion and hope for the rebellious around me, and confidently walk in the righteousness of my Redeemer.  May I be impacted and transformed by these truths in thought, word, and deed.        

  • How could this IMPACT those around you by the truths you can PROCLAIM to them? 

Take a moment to ponder for yourself & record your thoughts:

I actually had an opportunity this week to proclaim these truths to a friend, who is walking through trial.  I sent her a prayer via text that started, “Father God, you are Mighty, you are a personal, caring God, and you will make all things right.  We praise your steadfast character and thank you that we can trust you to work…

These truths can be proclaimed as a reminder to those who have been walking with Jesus a long time.  And for those who are not yet walking with Christ, the reality that God is a personal God who cares, a powerful God who is at work, and a God of justice who will make all things right can be the truths someone needs to know of in order to put their trust in this personal, powerful, purposeful God for the first time!  


O Mighty One of Israel, we praise you for your righteousness, justice, and faithfulness.  We confess that we once lived as your enemies in unrighteousness, injustice, and unfaithfulness.  We thank you for the gift of Jesus. We thank you that redemption is possible through trusting in His work on the cross.  May you continue to teach me to live in a way that remembers your calling and is consistent with living in your world in your way.  May I continually have a heart that is quick to repent and is faithful to turn toward your righteousness, Jesus.  May I continually learn It is in your Mighty Name that I praise You, thank You, and request of You, Lord Jesus.  Amen.


Summary and Personal Take Away from Chapter 1

Click HERE for SUMMARY Study Guide

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